Reviewed by Christopher James Brendle for Janell Lynn Wooldridge
Janell was extremely helpful throughout the whole process, I never felt like I had any unanswered question. Between her and my realtor team buying a house felt so smooth.
Christopher James BrendleJul-13-2024
Reviewed by Maria E Febles de Rodriguez for Elvis Penalo
Maria E Febles de RodriguezJul-12-2024
Reviewed by Linette M Rodriguez for Aneudy Mendoza
Linette M RodriguezJul-12-2024
Reviewed by Roberto A Umana Valencia for Sam Patel
Roberto A Umana ValenciaJul-09-2024
Reviewed by Angel Rafael Serrano Leon for Kristian Ortiz
Angel Rafael Serrano LeonJul-08-2024
Reviewed by Godo A Grande for Kristian Ortiz
El trabajo en equipo estuvo excelente
Godo A GrandeJul-03-2024
Reviewed by Danielle Rachpaul for Dan Biron
Danielle RachpaulJul-02-2024
Reviewed by Johanna E S for Elvis Penalo
Hola Elvis quiero decirte que fuiste una pieza fundamental para hacer mi sueño realidad, siempre estaré agradecida con papá Dios por haberte puesto en mi camino para que me ayudaras en todo mi proceso
Johanna E SJul-01-2024
Reviewed by Yilda G S for Sam Patel
Yilda G SJul-01-2024
Reviewed by Suzanne M for Darrell Levesque
Buyers are happy because it closed!
Suzanne MJun-30-2024
Reviewed by Fernando I for Arielys Perez
Arielys is an excellent professional, I recommend it to everyone.
Fernando IJun-30-2024
Reviewed by Randul R D for Juan Valerio
A true professional does an excellent job.
Randul R DJun-30-2024
Reviewed by Amnelys M for Ranjan Thapa
Great professionals to work with. Great flexibility. Great with response time. Great with knowledge and answering our questions. Process went as smooth as possible due to the team that assisted us.